Form to transfer a water tap
Form to transfer a water tap

form to transfer a water tap form to transfer a water tap form to transfer a water tap

The permitting and design process to expand the capacity of the CRWTP from 36 MGD to 45 MGD to accommodate the expected growth in the County’s water system is currently underway. This lease was recently extended until January 2019. In January 2012, Union County entered into a five-year interim temporary transfer agreement with the LCW&SD to transfer 3 MGD of capacity from the District to Union County, increasing capacity to 21 MGD until 2017. Each partner is entitled to 50% of the plant capacity (18 MGD), and each has rights to future expansions up to the total permitted capacity of 100 MGD. The Catawba River Water Treatment Plant (CRWTP), constructed under this agreement, had an initial capacity of 18 MGD at startup in April 1993 and was expanded in 2004 to its current capacity of 36 MGD. In 1991, Union County and the Lancaster County (South Carolina) Water and Sewer District entered into an agreement to develop a new water treatment plant on the Catawba River to meet both entities’ long-term water supply needs. Union County currently has a total of 25 million gallons per day (MGD) water supply capacity. Union County also has a purchase water agreement with Anson County, NC to purchase up to four million gallons daily. Currently, 80% of our water needs are met through this facility. Union County jointly owns and operates the Catawba River Water Treatment Plant with the Lancaster County Water and Sewer District (LCW&SD) in Lancaster, SC. The primary source of water for Union County is the Catawba River. UCW also provides wholesale water supply to the Town of Wingate and has a water sales agreement with the City of Monroe to sell up to 2 million gallons per day to the City as part of their long-term water supply strategy. UCW currently meets the water and wastewater needs of more than one half of Union County’s population (by 2010 census estimate). Union County Water (UCW) operates and maintains a regional water utility system that provides retail water and wastewater service to over 45,000 water customers and 33,000 sewer customers located throughout unincorporated Union County and 13 of the 15 municipalities within the County. In the event of a sewer backup, sewer overflow, or another utility-related emergency, immediately call 70.

Form to transfer a water tap